Hine Te Haa - From Hardship to Hope
Support a child today
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Help for kids and their families.

The Hardship to Hope Fund started as a fund available to families in the region experiencing financial hardship due to acute medical challenges. However in the eight years it has existed, it has evolved into more than that. The fund also provides the tools need for families to keep their newborns safe, and to ensure their tamariki are kept clean and healthy.

Premature Baby

What your money provides

  • Pepi Pods to make sure newborn's have a safe space to sleep when they leave hospital
  • Safe Baby kits - warm wool blankets and natural cotton sheets so families can ensure their baby sleeps safely
  • Hygiene kits - helping families make sure they have everything they need for good hygiene - including toothbrushes, shampoo and shower gel

How ALSCO support the fund

ALSCO provide the region's hospitality services with a linen rental service. As part of this service, they guarantee the linen they provide is of high quality, natural fibres. When the bedsheets and pillowcases they have reach the end of their commercial life, they are delivered to Taranaki Health Foundation to be converted into sheets for baby and child beds.

In-kind donations like this have an incredible impact on the region. It may not seem like, much - a company handing off their sheets that would be going to waste anyway. But so far, the sheets supplied by ALSOC have saved us over $20,000 in sheet purchases.

Find out more about ALSCO →

Your support starts today

There is no better time to start supporting the Hardship to Hope fund than today.

$25 will pay for a hygiene support kit for a child

$50 will provide good quality cotton sheets to keep families warm at night.

$100 will give a family everything they need to ensure their newborn sleeps safely