When it rains, it pours. And when you think it's going to pour - it's sunshine.
The aim was to hold a working bee to plant the many bushes, shrubs and grasses that will form the Renal Unit Garden. The plants were delivered and the date was set for 12 and 13 November. But last minute weather warning and a rain radar that looked less than promising, we decided to call of the sessions on 12 November.
Lo and behold - the Saturday turned out perfect! So to make the best of the situation, our team turned up and got to work. With 100s of plants to be planted, it was a case of work smarter not harder. Our team got started with two people drilling holes, and two people following behind to drop the plants into those holes. Within a few hours, the team had completed a full section of plants! A big thank you to the volunteers that popped along on Saturday on the off change that we were there!
A new day - a new challenge
On Sunday we were very excited to get stuck in and have a team of volunteers working to plant the bulk of the garden. And we were not disappointed! Despite the rain at the start of the day, a group of volunteers arrived with trowels, forks, gumboots and an amazing amount of enthusiasm!
Before long the team were hard at work, split into diggers and planters, creating an efficient team who got through planting well over 100 plants in half a day. With the sun coming out, there were smiles all round, and lots of sharing of gardening tips!
A huge thank you!
A massive thank you goes out to all our volunteers that came down. We could not have done it without you!
But it's not all done! We still need to put down lots of mulch and plant the remaining few plants. We will be doing this on Saturday 19 November. If you are available, please fill in the form below to register your interest.