Around $1 million has been raised for a new heart X-ray machine in Taranaki.
And despite still needing a further $200,000 the machine has been ordered.
Angiography is an X-ray technique to visualise the inside of blood vessels and the current machine at Taranaki Base Hospital is on its last legs.
The new angiography suite would make it easier for Taranaki residents to access heart diagnostic services in New Plymouth rather than travelling to Waikato.
Preparatory work for the angiography suite had begun at hospital with the tender process completed and the angiography machine selected.
The Taranaki Electricity Trust and Taranaki DHB each contributed $1.2m towards the $3.6m required. The Taranaki Health Foundation had been raising the remaining $1.2m through its We Heart Taranaki campaign.
Of the $1m raised so far, $340,000 has been raised from the community, while the rest had come from corporate sponsorship, manager Bry Kopu said.
"With the communities support we have achieved 94 per cent of the $3.6 million target. Despite this we still really need to come up with the final $200,000 before we can really celebrate."
A big push from the Taranaki community was required to get the campaign over the line and there were a number of ways in which people could show their support to help raise the remaining $200,000, Kopu said.
Major corporate sponsor Methanex New Zealand had pledged more than $400,000 so far. All the proceeds from the Methanex Family Fun Ride, on February 28, would go towards the We Heart Taranaki campaign.