Our Supporters

We couldn't do what we do without the support of our partners. A huge thank you to everyone who has made a difference where it matters most.

Support enhanced healthcare

Financial Donors

Naming rights partners

Methanex logo

Methenex Neonatal Unit

Major donors

Room Sponsors

High impact rooms

Eyre Family

Treatment rooms

SRG Global Inglewood Lions International Rotary Club new Plymouth North
Noel & Rosemary Chilcott

Standard rooms

4th Wall Theatre Srooptimists
Ron Gatenby
Noel & Rosemary Chilcott

Whānau rooms

Monkeytoe Group 24/7 Security Solutions tui Ora Rotary Club of Waitare, Bell Block and Districts

Chemotherapy Chairs

Baker Tilly Staples Rodway DFE Pharma Todd Energy Skin Aware PEggy Chen
Boniface Family
Dr. Ritwik Kejriwal

Operational Partners

Without our operational partners, we wouldn't be able to do any of our work. We have the same costs as any other business and so the generosity of our partners makes all the difference.


Alsco Baker Tilly Staples Rodway Connect Legal Future Grifux Mad Media Mediaworks Primo Razz Print Smokeylemon Taranaki Daily News VBW Warrick Quinn

Would you like to help?

We are always keen to hear from businesses who may be able to support us with in-kind donations. This may be for operational services, or it may be providing specific equipment or services for specific projects. No matter what, if you would like to support healthcare in Taranaki, send us a message today and we will contact you asap.